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Deliver Greener Software with OpenText™ DevOps Cloud

How green is your software? Environmental sustainability is a growing priority for businesses. Reduce your software’s environmental footprint and work towards zero digital waste with OpenText DevOps Cloud solutions. Improve the efficiency of your software delivery with insights that help reduce rework, bottlenecks, overproduction, time, and costs.

Watch this video to discover how DevOps Cloud Solutions can streamline application delivery management to positively impact your sustainability goals.

Visit https://www.opentext.com/products/devops to learn what OpenText DevOps Cloud can do for you and read the paper here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.opentext.com/assets/documents/en-US/pdf/how-green-is-your-software-pp-en.pdf